Friday, October 14, 2011

True Love

True Love

There are not enough words, to describe the effect u have on me...
You make it easy to be myself, and its you who set me free...
You are just so amazing, I can't believe how good you make me feel...
I was scared this was only just a dream, but you assured me this was real...
When you told me how you really felt, i had difficulty trying to breathe...
My heart began to beat much faster, but you promised me you wouldn't leave...
Every word that you wrote, made me want to be with you so much more...
The thought of you had me trembling, deep down inside my core...
I long to b with u boo, like we envisioned for our first meet...
The thought of my arms around you, with your hand in mine is just so sweet...
Watching the beautiful Cali sunset, and a breeze that is so gentle...
We connect on many levels boo, not yet of the physical, but the mental...
But soon enough you'll be in my arms, falling fast asleep...
I said no harm would come your way, and a promise i always keep...
You're safe with me at all times boo, id never do you wrong...
We've talked about what does not kill you only makes you strong...
You're open and you're willing, to tell me how you truly feel...
You're beautiful, and you care for me, i can hardly believe you're real...
But the day will come when i look into your eyes, and see what you r made of...
And when I realize where your heart lies, I'll know your my true love!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

You're the one who loves wrong

You're the one who loves wrong

What can i say?
what can i do?
all i want is to
redeem myself to you

i know you think its wrong
and at first i thought it might
but how could something wrong
feel so very right?

if you truely love me
then you should be able to see
that even tough you don't agree
this is what makes me happy

but no, you're too selfish
to see past your beliefs
too close-minded to even care

that the love of my life
is what she is
don't speak yet, don't even dare!!!

you let me finish
I'm not done yet
Ive got a bone to pick with y'all

you made me feel
like it was wrong for me to love
but now i know the truth

your the ones
who don't love the right way
your the ones who are wrong!!

theres nothing i can say or do to make you see
that even though you think its not right
this is how i was always meant to be
cause i love her, and SHE is the one who make me happy

Let Me Trust You

Let Me Trust You

Everyday I get more afraid
Of giving my heart away
Scared of what love will bring
Too nervous to hear the words you’ll say
I find myself lost in you
Not sure if I want to be
I see the looks that you give
And wonder what you see in me
I don’t want my heart broken
But I am so in love
I can’t seem to give up
A guy sent from above
So I’m gonna trust you
Please don’t let me down
For I am giving you a chance
To turn my life around
Don’t take it for granted
‘Cause it might not last long
I have weak thoughts
And my heart isn’t too strong
I’m putting my life in your hands
Now it’s all up to you
I look forward to the places we go
And the things we’ll be put through
But remember that I’m vulnerable
And I can’t stand to be hurt
I want to be at the top of your list
But I don’t have to be first
Believe me when I tell you
That I love you with all my heart
That I’m here for you forever and always
Just like I was at the start...

I Am Sorry

I Am Sorry

I am sorry that I made you cry,
It hurts me so bad that I want to die.
In you I have found a love that is true,
And my heart is filled with love for you.
I am sorry that I have hurt you and you are in pain,
But without you, my life will not be the same.
As I sit here writing this to you,
I am crying, thinking how much I was a fool.
I love you so much and I am sorry that we got into a fight,
I just wish that I could have made it up to you on that night,
I don?t want to break up and I wish we didn?t have this fight,
I just wish that this were so,
I never have loved anyone else as much as I loved you,
I thought that you should know.
I am sorry whatever should I do?
I want to take the time and apologize to you.
You fill my heart with joy, and you make my life complete,
Everytime you come around me my heart skips a beat.
I leave my phone on and I lye by it every night,
Just in case you call me if you feel something is not right.
Every night I think of you as I lye in the dark,
And I close my eyes and I see you holding on to me with your head against my heart.
Before I go and put this poem to an end,
I want to say I am sorry and it will never happen again.

Jamie I am sorry we fought
And I love you so much
Please forgive me

Thinking of You

Thinking of You

I cant go to sleep I’m just thinking of you
Thinking of tonight
And all of the feelings coming through
When I’m with you,
There’s nowhere else I want to be
It’s just right
You with me
You make me melt when you kiss me
You make me faint when you touch me
I have all these emotions and I’m not sure why
I’ve never felt this way about anyone in my life
Its 2 a.m. and I’m thinking of you
And all the crazy things you do
I’m so happy I want to cry
Just the fact that I’m with my dream guy
Your perfect in everyway
I prayed for someone like you
And God sent you my way
I’m wide-awake thinking of you
You must be an angel
There’s no other explanation
These feelings are real
Not just flirtation
I love being with you
Just watching the stars
Is so romantic with you
I don’t care what anyone else has to say
It’s just you and me
Forever I pray
I’m crying myself to sleep thinking of you
These are tears of happiness
Its amazing how one person can transform your life
You’re all I want
Everything else is pointless
I don’t know how I feel
But I know that its forreal
I can honestly say I love you
While I cant go to sleep thinking of you

Thinking of You Far Away

Thinking of You Far Away...

Thinking of you today what great joy you bring,
You're so beautiful like a fresh Tulip in spring.
Oh What warmth you bring my heart,
Miss you so much when we are apart.

I think of you every night and day,
Would like to be with you now if there was a way!
Oh how my heart aches when I cannot see you,
Tears roll down my cheeks like morning dew.

Winter has passed and spring has arrived,
Two months of your LOVE have I been deprived.
Missing your presence in every way,
I LOVE YOU so much what more can I say.

Though these days our eyes do not meet,
Thinking of you still makes my heart beat.
Far you may be like a lost fallen feather,
But close are our heats will always be together.

Times are hard now but soon it will pass,
Then I will be able to see you again at last.
Everything then will be as smooth as butter,
You and I will have our "Happily ever after!"

Thinking of you what great joy you bring,
Your smile like the warm sunshine in spring.

If I Were

If I Were...

If I were a memory I’d hold you there forever
Reminding you of the good times we shared together

If I were a smile on your face I would stay
Never to let sadness chase me too far away

If I were a teardrop I’d roll gently down from your eyes
Not to burn much but to mend your sweet cries

If I were a hand I’d want you to hold me in your own
Carry me through life .. even when I’m grown

If I were feet I would stay inline with you
So I could be with you in all that you do

If I were a shadow I would always follow
We’d face things together in all the tomorrows

If I were pain I’d stay far away from the start
To make sure you never felt me or I never broke your heart

If I were a song I’d be a sweet sound to your ears
To keep up your hopes and carry you through the years

If I were strength I’d give you my all
I’d hold you high and never let your fall

If I were your heart I’d be steady and true
I’d be there in every beat; staying strong for you

If I were the sun I’d shine down upon your face
Illuminate your smile and radiate through your grace

If I were a star I’d sparkle like your eyes
I would look upon your life and never stop my shine

I don’t know how good at those things I could be
I’m not any of them but this I want you to see

If I were a friend I couldn’t let you down
I’d never let you fall or walk away from me with a frown

If I were a friend I would hold your hand
I would be with you always, I hope you understand

If I were a friend I would give you my all
And though it’s not much, I’ll be there when you call

If I were a friend I’d be in every memory too
When you laughed, when you cried, I’d be with you

I CAN be these things, it’s not impossible to be a friend
I CAN be your best and I’ll be here till the end

If I were forever, you would be too
Together forever – me and you… 

Never Without Love

Never Without Love

My life was over,
Or so it had seemed,
I said my goodbyes,
And I silently screamed.

I knew it was wrong,
But it just felt so right,
When sadness creeps in,
It puts up a fight.

I went into the kitchen,
I looked all around,
I saw what I needed,
My heart started to pound.

I tested the edge,
As I picked up the knife,
I placed it over my wrist,
As I went over my life.

I had no one to leave,
Nobody who cared,
A small little girl,
Could certainly be spared.

The phone started to ring,
And I suddenly knew,
I don't really know how,
But it had to be you.

I slowly walked over,
And picked up the phone,
In that moment I'd never felt more alone.

You begged me to stop,
To not do what I would,
I said nothing at all,
I don't think that I could.

You cried and you pleaded,
And I didn't know how,
I had missed it so long,
But I finally saw now.

You may think life is hopeless,
That there's no help from above,
But as long as you have friends,
You'll always have love.

*This poem is dedicated to my best friend, Billie. Literally seconds before I ended my life, she called me and automatically knew what I was going to do. I wouldn't be here without her.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Love and Empowerment

Simple Keys to a Fuller Life, Four Simple Keys to Transform Your Life

Simple Keys to a Fuller Life...
Four Simple Keys to Transform Your Life


Love and Empowerment

Let me start with myself. I will do my best to love and empower myself to be the best I can be every day of my life. By making this commitment to yourself, it becomes easier to love and empower those around you. But do you really want to give this gift to all other people? What if you really don’t like someone? In this case, you can remind yourself that it is usually a person's personality that you don’t like—the mask or dark clouds blocking their deeper essence. Remember that beneath the mask is a shining divine essence. While acknowledging those parts you don’t like, do your best to empower the shining being hidden beneath the mask or personality that you don’t like. You can choose to love and empower the divine spark within all.
Negative Judgment. Judging someone to be bad as a person does not empower or inspire anyone to be a better person. When you find yourself feeling negative judgment, first acknowledge the part of you that wants to judge—the part that wants to be right or better than others. Then do your best to learn from your judgment and let it go. Open to finding first acceptance, and then understanding and love both for your own divine essence and for that of the person you judged. Choose to let your last thought always be that of love.
Stopping harm. What if someone does something that is clearly wrong, or is causing harm? In this case, be firm and take whatever action you feel is best to stop harm. Enforcing a serious consequence with someone who has acted out of extreme self-interest may be the most loving, empowering action you can take. Yet even as you take action, open to seeing the inner turmoil that causes people to do harm. You can act from a place of love and support, even while firmly stopping someone from doing wrong or causing harm. Through choosing to see beneath all of the pain, suffering, and hatred, and to recognize and connect with the divine essence within even those who would do us harm, not only do we heal the world, we heal ourselves.
Imagine… Imagine for a moment a world where all people truly did their best to love and empower each other. Imagine if a significant number of the people on this planet truly did their best to live by these simple keys. You can choose to become one of those people right now. You can choose to make your life and our world a better place. It is fully possible. There are people of all races, religions, and beliefs around the globe already committed to living by these or similar ideals. Let us then choose with an open mind and heart to add to their numbers. Let us choose every day of our lives to do what's best for all, to open to divine guidance, to accept and understand, and to love and empower ourselves and all around us to be the best that we can be.

Divine Guidance

Simple Keys to a Fuller Life, Four Simple Keys to Transform Your Life

Simple Keys to a Fuller Life...
Four Simple Keys to Transform Your Life

Divine Guidance

Many Meanings for Divine. Guidance can come from many sources. Yet by opening to guidance from the divine, we open to the support of powerful forces greater than ourselves. The divine has different meanings for different people, whether it be God, Creator, Jehovah, Allah, or Great Spirit. Yet even if you don’t believe in any of these, consider the possibility that there is a very wise part of yourself—a higher self or a deeper self—which can provide you with guidance. What is important is that we open to this presence, however we choose to define the divine, and that we consciously invite this powerful guidance into our daily lives.
All Requests Only if it’s Best. When seeking divine guidance with a specific result, be sure to end with “only if this is what’s best for all.” There are times when what’s best is not what’s easiest or most enjoyable. Sometimes unwanted or unexpected challenges, difficult situations, and even pain can teach us important lessons that in the long run help us to enjoy life more fully. When we choose to see all experiences as gifts from the divine and opportunities for growth and understanding, we open to a deeper level of divine guidance.
Acceptance and Understanding
Our Core Essence. Deep down we are all beautiful beings worthy of love and support. The sweet innocence of babies and young children is a clear example of this. Yet for most of us, the shining essence with which we came into this life became obscured over the years as our family and others were unable to give us the kind of unconditional love and support we so craved. As children, when we were repeatedly told that we were not good enough or were punished just for being who we are, thick layers of confusion and doubt developed, clouding our divine essence. Layers of fear and insecurity were woven into our personalities.
The Mask. By the time we are grown, most of us have developed a protective mask or persona to hide these layers of fear and insecurity from others, and at times even from ourselves. Outwardly we might appear happy or content, yet on the inside most of us to varying degrees feel unhappy with who we are. Yet beneath it all, that shining essence is still there. No matter how much we may have forgotten, no matter how thick those overshadowing layers may be, our beautiful core essence is and has always been there.
Accepting and Understanding Myself. By choosing to accept and understand all of who you are—both your deep shining essence and the layers of dark clouds within—you can invite that beautiful inner essence to shine through the clouds and to shine again in your life. When fears, dark thoughts, or difficult emotions arise, first choose to accept that they are there. Then work towards understanding these dark clouds and where they came from. Ask for divine guidance as you explore and transform these dark places.
Courage. It takes courage to accept and work to understand our fears and weaknesses. Yet by doing our best to be fully ourselves in all our strengths and weaknesses, our relationships can grow richer, deeper, and more meaningful. This may be challenging, as some people are unable or unwilling to accept certain parts of us. Yet as those around us see us becoming more real and honest with them, many will also be inspired to be more real and honest with us. Thus, instead of continually avoiding or denying those clouds or dark layers in both ourselves and others, we open to a deeper, more authentic way of living and of relating to others.
Accepting and Understanding Others. As you develop greater acceptance and understanding of yourself, you will notice that others, too, have lost touch with their shining core essence. As you work to accept and understand yourself, it is most important that you choose also to give this gift to those around you. Acceptance of what is, coupled with understanding of what we can change and what we cannot, allows us to find the courage to be all that we can be, and to empower others in doing the same.

Simple Keys to a Fuller Life,Four Simple Keys to Transform Your Life

Simple Keys to a Fuller Life, Four Simple Keys to Transform Your Life

Simple Keys to a Fuller Life...
Four Simple Keys to Transform Your Life

What’s Best for All

The Power of Choice. Every one of us makes countless choices every day. Every choice we make has an impact on our lives. Even insignificant choices can affect what we experience and how we feel. When hunger strikes, we can reach for a healthy, nutritious snack, or we can choose the sugar high of junk food. The more important the decision, the more profound its effect. For instance, how do I act towards that person who treated me badly? Do I generally choose to be passive, or do I actively set clear intentions and create what I want in my life? Every choice we make, however big or small, affects us in some way.
How Do You Make Choices? If you are interested in living a richer, fuller life, there is a foundation upon which you can base all of your decisions which can make life better not only for you, but also for all around you. This foundation is to choose based on what’s best for all. Imagine a world where every parent, spouse, friend, teacher, businessperson, and politician truly did their best to choose what’s best for all involved in every decision they made. We would certainly live in a much more caring, supportive world.
It’s the Intention. “But how do I know what is really best?” you might ask. The answer is simple. It doesn’t matter. What matters is not the choice you make, but rather the intention behind your choice. What matters is that whatever decision you make, you are clear in your intention of choosing based on what’s best for all. If it later turns out that you made what appears to have been a bad choice, there’s no need for guilt. Knowing that you did your best to choose with a sincere desire for what’s best for all, your conscience stays clear and open. This then allows you to more easily learn from your mistakes, and to live with a clear heart and mind. 
What’s Best for Me, Too! Choosing what’s best does not mean you have to always sacrifice yourself for others. An overly exhausted mother can lose her temper easily. Some time off for this mother might seem selfish, yet in the long run, it can help her to be a better mother to her children. So as we move through each day of our lives, let us remember to include ourselves as we do our best to choose what’s best for all.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

About LoVE

When the past calls,
let it go to voicemail.
It has nothing new to say.
When you have loved as she has loved,
you grow old beautifully.
I have feelings too.
I am still human.
All I want is to be loved,
for myself and for my talent.
I'd rather be hated
for being real than loved
for being fake.
Never let a problem to be solved
become more important
than the person to be loved.
Is it so small a thing
To have enjoyed the sun,
To have lived light in the spring,
To have loved, to have thought,
to have done.
I never liked the men I loved,
and never loved the men I liked.
I'd rather be hated for who I am,
than loved for who I am not.
Art is not necessary at all.
All that is necessary to make this world
a better place to live in is to love
- to love as Christ loved, as Buddha loved.
Who, being loved, is poor?
Never waste fresh tears over old griefs.
To love is to risk not being loved in return.
To hope is to risk pain.
To try is to risk failure,
but risk must be taken
because the greatest hazard in life
is to risk nothing.
The truth is cruel,
but it can be loved,
and it makes free those
who have loved it.
Virtue is persecuted
more by the wicked
than it is loved by the good.
Conditional love is love that is turned off and on.
Some parents only show their love
after a child has done something that pleases them.
'I love you, honey, for cleaning your room!'
Children who think they need to earn love
become people pleasers, or perfectionists.
Those who are raised on conditional love
never really feel loved.
Don't leave something good
to see if you can find better,
because once you realize
you had the best,
the best found better.

Sad Love Stories

I had three friends. Eric, Cathlyn, Carol. Eric was chased by all the girls in our high school. Cathlyn was one of those popular girls. Cheerleader, sexy, and stylish. Carol was just one of those plain and average girls .
Cathlyn and Carol were both totally crazy and wacko over Eric. Cathlyn didn't have to do anything to attract Eric, for she was already attractive enough. Carol on the other hand, showered Eric with love and care. Carol wasn't ugly at all. In fact, she looked sweet and pleasant. However, she wasn't a cheerleader and she didn't wear spaghetti-straps or tubes.
So like everyone expected, Eric chose Cathlyn. While Cathlyn was labeled as the cool and attractive type, Carol was just one ordinary and plain girl.

Eric always insulted Carol. He was always telling her what a 'Plain Jane' she was and how dumb she looked. It made Carol felt hurt and useless. Despite Eric's insults, Carol never gave up. She wanted to prove something to Eric. She wanted to prove that looks aren't everything. She studied hard, really hard. She became the top girl in her school and all the guys who once ignored her went after her.

Regardless of her success, she never forgot Eric. Everyday, she put a red rose in Eric's locker with the same words.
'I care for you, and I always will' Because she knew that Eric was facing a hard time.
Soon, Eric began to realise how dumb he had beenwhen he saw his beloved girlfriend Cathlyn flirting with other guys. He regretted choosing the wrong girl.
Cathlyn broke up with Eric some time later for she had found a wealthier guy. Eric felt cheated, stupid and dumb. He went to look for Carol. He knelt on his knees, and said.
"Carol, please forgive me. Do you want to be my girlfriend?" Carol rejected him, much to everyone's surprise. She only uttered these words.
"You've suffered a great loss, so I don't want you to face another one"

A Cute Poem A Cute Girl

You changed my world with a blink of an eye
That is something that I can not deny
You put my soul from worst to best
That is why I treasure you my dearest Marites
You just don't know what you have done for me
You even pushed me to the best that I can be
You really are an angel sent from above
To take care of me and shower with love
When I'm with you I will not cry even a single a tear
And your touch have chased away all of my fear
You have given me a life that I could live worthwhile
It is even better everytime you smile
It so magical those things you've made
To bring back my faith that almost fade
Now my life is a dream come true
It all began when I was loved by you
Now I have found what I am looking for
It's you and your love and nothing more
Co'z you have given me this feeling of contentment
In my life something I've never felt
I wish I could talk 'til the end of day
But now I'm running out of things to say
So I'll end by the line you already know
"I LOVE YOU" more than what I could show

Love without limits

''You have heard people say, Love your neighbor and hate your enemies. But I tell you to love your enemies and pray for anyone who mistreats you. Then you will be acting like your Father in heaven. He makes the sun rise on both good and bad people. And He sends rain for the ones who do right  and for the ones who do wrong.''

Monday, September 12, 2011

Afraid of Losing You

                 The time has finally come when you say it's enough I couldn't think of something else, reason to believe that it's over the time has come that I'm afraid of losing you.I remember the time when you say you'll never change, and nothing can't stop the music playing,You even promised that you'll always with me yet the time has come and I'm afraid of losing you.I know things may not be the same I admit that people do change, but I didn't expect it was you.And that the time will come when I'm afraid of losing you.
                 We've come this far when we even shared are dreams planning together what seems to be eternity, you know that my life is you. And now the time is really near, I,m afraid of losing you.Was it when the sun spot to shine?Or the clouds overshadowed the star when the dreams ceased and we woke up to the reality,that the time has come, when I might lose you.And now that I lost you, can I make you back? Can I dream again,and sing to the song that were playing cos even until now it's not clear when the time has come when you finally said Goodbye!  

Monday, August 1, 2011


Goodbye, Hello! A very common word everyone says.But sad to say many seem to loose its true essence. "Oh my! You know I can't stand without you....I'll be missing you... with all those year's and now you're living, I hope you want forget me."
   "Boy! It's really difficult to say goodbye.But don't worry I'll get in touch with you". That's why you say to your friends, and to someone dear to you.With your gloomy eyes, you ride on and wave.And now you're in a new place.How does it feel?I wonder...
   But, don't just consider moving into another school or traveling or the everyday cycle of saying goodbye scenarios in life.What about living your school? Whereto after graduation?Are you sure its interesting? Your teacher?friends and classmate ?Would life be changing? Probably, yes.As the would evolves life,life must go on along.There are consequences when you to leave the past and turn your eyes to the life ahead of you.Considering the would today it's difficult to leave and take another step behind where you path points you of what you'll be.But there's always saying that if a person doesn't start to look back he can't reach his destiny. Now , come to think of yourself with no knowledge at all. You are not yourself without the efforts of your school to build you,the place where you found the framework for every task you must to do. The place where you and everything worse constructed, cleaned up, and wanted the site of your foundation, your second home. Since childhood,you've sprouted as everyday you have been watered fertilize, and cultivated with wisdom,faith , talents and virtues; an individual with a vision to pursue, a mission to carry on, a goal to attain.Tough and strong you are now and a very lucky creature. Who do you think is to be given a reward for this? Who deserves appreciation? You must say,I owe this to my school. With nice people and there brilliant ideas, I would surely be this now.That's why I love my school a lot and can't even afford to leave but I have to keep going.
  It's really fantastic if you hear these words. With every success in you,your institution welcomes you a broad smile saying "This fulfilled person is from here ". And you"ll say, "I'm proud to be one of its delicious fruits."